Case Studies
Find out how Rehab Options Injury Management has assisted many businesses with resolving injury cases, reducing further risk of injuries and costs associated through our case studies below:
Case Study (A) - Accident Investigation - Leading Hand/Supervisor
Leading Hand/Supervisor
The Challenge
The injured employee had not worked for two years. Our client had been unable to successfully identify suitable duties. The insurer had ceased support r...
Case Study (B) - Injury Management - Bricklayer
The Challenge
This employee had a fall resulting in a shoulder injury, initial assessments as to his likely recovery were estimated at over 12 months. The initial estimate for the...
Case Study (C) - Injury Management - Construction Worker
Construction Worker
The Challenge
This employee had a wrist injury; the initial specialist consultant regarding the injury indicated the employee would be unable to continue with his chosen ...
Case Study (D) - WorkCover NSW Injury Management/Cost Savings
WorkCover NSW posted an example of how proper Injury Management can save employers money
35 year old process industry worker
Major knee injury requiring reco...
Case Study (E) - Injury Management - Construction Worker
Construction Worker
The Challenge
This employee had a steel "I beam" tip over on his left foot just behind the steel cap resulting in a fractured metatarsal, resulting in swelling and the inability to wear w...
Case Study (F) - Claims Management - Construction Worker
Construction Worker
The Challenge
Stage One: The worker was taking regular absences from work and failing to upgrade his suitable duties.
Stage Two: Investigations ...
Case Study (G) - Claims Management - Factory Worker
Factory Worker
The Challenge
A worker was issued a final Workers Compensation Medical Certificate stating he was fit for Permanently Modified Duties, but no duties were supplied by the emplo...
Case Study (H) - Claim Review Services
Factory Worker
The Challenge
A worker left the employee of one of our clients and had not fully recovered from a workplace injury. The employer and the insurer had not maintained contact wit...
Case Study (I) - OH&S and Risk Management - Factory Worker
Factory Worker
The Challenge
The workplace did not have up to date OH & S procedures. There were no recognised duties that could be confirmed as suitable for workers who sustained an inj...