Case Study (E) - Injury Management - Construction ...

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Construction Worker

The Challenge

This employee had a steel "I beam" tip over on his left foot just behind the steel cap resulting in a fractured metatarsal, resulting in swelling and the inability to wear work boots for a period. The initial estimate by the insurer was $17,919.40.

The Process

We organised with the NTD and the employer that he could return to some light work soon after the injury as long as he continued to wear a Cam boot. He was able to sit and stand at his discretion. The worker was moved off site to the factory yard where he performed suitable duties including cleaning, stocking and sorting equipment, spray painting of scaffold and odd office duties. This to continue until his fracture was healed enough to return to a work site.

The Result

The worker returned to his pre injury duties 6 weeks after the date of injury. The time loss was minimal. The insurer reduced the estimate to just the initial time loss plus medicals.

What the client say's

Our client was impressed with the attitude and the flexibility of the worker and had considered him for a promotion. The worker has started back as a leading hand. This process clearly showed that a workplace injury need not adversely affect company logistics or appropriate staff advancement.

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