Claims Management
Rehab Options Injury Management specialise in claims management. Claims can be actively managed and monitored for both employers and self insurers. Aspects covered include:
Assessment of injured employee and insurers, completion of initial documentation
Research and document details leading up to the injury(s)
Provide comprehensive assistance to employee and employers to ensure returned to work in a safe and efficient manner.
Completion of WorkCover documentation (where relevant)
Time Loss/Medical expenses reimbursements from the insurer if considered appropriate and necessary.
Conducting periodical claim reviews with employer and their insurer
Assistance and Management of alleged fraudulent claims
Undertake (in accordance with Insurers) appropriate investigations relating to fraudulent claims
Factual, Physical and Photographic evidence (if required)
Ensuring correct estimates, where applicable, and premiums are applied to each claim.
To view a Claims Management case study click here
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